VE Day Pic 'n' Mix Mini Picture Quiz - Z3407
VE Day - World War 2 Pic 'n' Mix Mini Picture Quiz - Z3407
Name what is requested on each picture in this mixed bag picture round with the emphasis on World War 2.
Designed for use as part of a VE Day themed quiz night or to be handed out and completed as a standalone quiz.
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To order this quiz to be sent by post along with 15 colour copies at a cost of £6 call us on 01785 214529 or click here and request VE Day Pic 'n' Mix Mini Picture Quiz - Z3407 from the 10-picture quizzes section.
To use this quiz with family and friends and to play along yourself, save to your hard drive. Open with a PDF Reader and Extract Page One. Send this to quiz players and Page 2 of the main document has answers
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