Noel Quiz

Noel Quiz

Regular price £1.00
Regular price Sale price £1.00

10 mixed bag questions all about Noels
Example Questions:

In Noel’s House Party, what was the name of the award that Noel Edmonds presented to celebrities whom he caught in embarrassing set ups?


On 4th September 1893, which famous fictional ‘Peter’ made his first appearance in print, in a letter being written to a boy named Noel Moore?

Ideal for a Christmas pub quiz, office quiz or house party
NB: This round may also be included in a Christmas Bumper Quiz or Christmas Quiz Pack - please check before purchasing to ensure no duplication
Alternatively, go to our Quiz Creator website, here you can choose your own quiz rounds and change the questions you don't like and add the picture round of your choice
Click here for the Quiz Creator - Note you will need a separate login.

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