Junior Handout Quiz 5

Junior Handout Quiz 5

Regular price £3.50
Regular price Sale price £3.50

Junior Handout Quiz - A handout quiz in a similar style to our normal quizzes but designed for children and younger quizzers
This is a mix of quiz questions, pictures and teasers ideal for a fun quiz night or to be used as part of a hotel or house party festive competition.
This is ideal for younger quizzers
Great for a school quiz night or family event
This quiz features the following rounds.

Round 1 - Famous Places - 5 questions about geography suitable for children

Round 2 - Car Manufacturers  - Identify these five car marques

Round 3 - Cakes - What are these cakes called?
Round 4 - We Asked 100 People - 2 Family Fortunes style questions  - Name the top 5 answers in each
Round 5 - Double Acts - What is the name of the person you'd associate with these names?

Total marks possible - 35
Each handout quiz is two pages long - one page for you to print out and hand to guests and teams and one page with answers on for you to display or distribute later.
This quiz is instantly downloadable from your receipt - alternatively, sign into your account and View Completed Orders
To order this quiz to be sent by post along with 15 colour copies at a cost of £7 - click here and request HO195 Junior Handout Quiz from the Handout Quizzes section